Sunday, May 10, 2009

Overspending by Bruneians

Community Problem Solving


Many people in Brunei spend money on luxury items such as mobile phone accessories that are not required for their survival. This results in many people owning lots of items that they don’t need. Over the years these items will accumulate and usually end up in a store room, when they could be instead donated to charities where they would be properly used. In many cases people end up falling into debt. The money that people spend on unneccessary items could be saved and used in the future.

Figure 1 & 2. Photographs showing automotive customizations.

Possible solutions:

People should be encouraged to save a larger proportion of their income through proper financial planning. They would then be less likely to fall into debt. The recycling of unwanted and unused items should be encouraged by raising awareness of the public regarding the existence of recycling centres. People should also be encouraged to donate unwanted or unused items to charity by raising public awarenesss of the existence of charities.

Figure 3 & 4. Photographs showing the setting up of charity booths at Universiti Brunei

Actions taken:

Financial planning was researched and ideas regarding the proper management of one’s finances were shared with others. These ideas were also sent to the local newspaper for publishing so that the public could be informed about the importance of good financial planning. A recycling experiment was set up where unwanted items were collected and sent to recycling companies and/or charity organisations. A post was published on a popular Bruneian website that provided a link to a directory of recycling companies and charities to encourage others to use them.

Figure 5. Flyers that were distributed to inform University students regarding the
collection booth.

Figure 6. Website post on BOBWHATSON.COM

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